Investment portal of Ivanovo

Investment portal of
Ivanovo city
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Vladimir Nicholaevich Sharypov

Реконструкция здания по адресу г.Иваново, ул.10 Августа, д.21 под гостиницу класса "Люкс"

Установка колеса обозрения на набережной реки Уводь

Проект застройки и комплексного благоустройства бульвара Кокуй

Dear colleagues, partners and citizens of our city!

Welcome to the investment portal of Ivanovo city!
We are open to all forms of investments and are willing to support the development and delivery of Russian and international projects. The infrastructure and human resources skills of the city create an attractive environment for establishing and successful running of heavy and light industry enterprises, the relocation of manufacturing and setting up creative industries. We want to encourage you to develop your businesses on Ivanovo land.

In accordance with our Strategic Plan for the Ivanovo urban district development until 2020, from now on we shall deliver an annual message about investment climate in Ivanovo urban district, which is a new practice for us. This document aims to provide transparency of the results of investment activity and investment policy in Ivanovo region, and outline the main measures undertaken to improve investment climate in the region’s central city.
To improve the quality of living in our city we have to mind the main indicators of economic growth.
One of those is the size of investment into the city economy, and the main goal of investment policy of Ivanovo is to increase it.
No doubt that one of the basic stages of improving investment climate is implementation of the Action plan (“Roadmap”) to improve investment climate in Ivanovo urban district.
The following stage of improving investment climate is development of institutional infrastructure and improvement of the regulatory framework.
Firstly, a Consultative Council on investment matters was created at Ivanovo city Administration. Its main goals are the improvement of the investment climate of the region’s central city, assisting economic and social development of the city, creating the necessary conditions for a common investment policy to ensure the innovative orientation of investments and participation in setting priorities for the implementation of the investment policy, taking account of economic, financial and other resources of Ivanovo. For instance Consultative Council meetings imply discussing issues and opportunities for development of municipal-private partnership mechanisms in the investment processes of the city.
There is also Coordination Council for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises functioning at the city Administration. Its aim is to explore and summarise the issues facing small and medium-sized enterprises, to protect their legal rights and interests in Ivanovo municipal authorities, to prepare proposals about improving the legal framework for running and developing small and medium-sized enterprises, to create proposals for correcting the special taxation regimes and to coordinate small and medium-sized enterprises participation in citywide events.
Secondly, it is important to create a “single window” for the private sector and to establish regulations for support of investment projects. This instrument will allow facilitating administrative procedures for private investors implementing investment projects.
It is important to mention that the main participants of the investment process are small and medium sized enterprises. That is why this category needs support and assistance from governing bodies on all levels.
On the local self-governing level there are many measures being implemented to support small and medium sized businesses. These are some of them: Subsidizing partial coverage of interest on loans, taken for investment purposes, reimbursement of expenses on procurement and commissioning of energy consumption meters, providing energy expertise, partial reimbursement of expenses on connection to energy resources, as well as subsidy on partial reimbursement of expenses on scientific development, research and experiments.
In 2015 Ivanovo city Administration established a municipal programme “Development of investment activity and innovation sphere in Ivanovo city”. Special sub-programmes within the municipal programme are connected to creating conducive conditions for attracting investments into Ivanovo, increasing investment activity, creating innovation-oriented economic structure:
- «Increasing investment attractiveness of Ivanovo city»;
- «Creating conditions for development of innovation activity in Ivanovo»;
- «Supporting management companies and residents of industrial and technical parks situated in Ivanovo»;
- «Developing innovation potential in education»;
- «Giving support to talented youth and developing youth innovation potential».
I believe that creating of Investment portal of Ivanovo city will provide transparency of local self-government bodies’ work in the sphere of innovations in Ivanovo, give a picture of investment potential in our city, offer relevant information about investment projects, that are already being implemented or are planned. It will also help to increase the speed of handling the appeals from the business community representatives.
In the end I would like to say that quality of living in our city depends on each of us. Local authorities, business and the public have to come together to achieve one common goal.

Kind regards, Head of Ivanovo city Vladimir Sharypov